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Category Design: customising a template Linea

In the Design tab you will find templates where certain elements can be customised to better suit the communication of your company or business. There are several types. In this guide we will see how to edit the 01Landscape and 02Landscape templates of the Linea type.


In the dashboard, click on the Template panel.

Now that you are on the page with all templates, click on the Design tab.

In this tab, look for the template with the name 01Landscape-Linea and click Edit.

On the configuration page of this template, you can change the Main Color, the Text Color, and you can edit the Logo.

To change the main colour of the template and the text, simply click in the field where the colour code is located and select the colour you prefer.

To insert your company logo, on the other hand, you must click on Select.

Then click on the logo image (1) that you have previously uploaded to the File Manager and then on the Select button (2).

Remember: the logo must be 400 x 110 pixels in size

Once you have completed the changes, click on Save.


In the dashboard, click on the Template panel.

Now that you are on the page with all templates, click on the Design tab.

In this tab, look for the template with the name 02Landscape-Linea and click Edit.

On the configuration page of this template, you can change the Main Color, the Secondary Slider Color, the Text Color and News Ticker Color, and you can change the Logo.

To change the colours, simply click in the field where the colour code is and select the one you prefer.

To insert the company logo, as already explained for the 01Landscape, you must click on Select, click on the logo image that you have previously uploaded to the File Manager and then on the Select button. For the dimensions of the logo, you can refer to those indicated above.

Once you have completed the changes, click on Save.

To assign the template you have just edited to one or more of your workstations, simply click on the Devices Assignment tab and tick the checkbox next to the device on which you wish to use it.

When editing a template, you can change its name on the Configuration page. In the Style name field (1) enter the name you want to assign to the template and click Save as copy (2). In this way, the changes you have made to that layout will be saved as a stand-alone template that you can reuse whenever you need it.

To preview the final result, open the Device panel in another tab and click on the preview of one of the devices to which you have assigned this template.

If you are satisfied with the result, you can refresh the device.