Generic filters

Customising a template in the Popolari and Popolari 4K category

In the templates of the Popolari and Popolari 4K category you can change the colour and logo.

To change the main colours of the theme, choose from the colour selector of the following fields.

Background Color

Secondary Slider Color

Text Color

Details Color (template 01Landscape)

To insert the logo instead, click on Select. The File Manager will open. Now click on the logo you want to insert (1) and once you have chosen it, click on Select (2).

How do I know what size the logo should be? In order to know the width and height of each position in your template, open the Template panel in another browser tab and click on the image of the template you have chosen. An enlarged image with all necessary dimensions will appear.

Tip: We recommend that you always keep this tab open so that you always have the dimensions of all the positions in your template at hand.

When editing a template, you can change its name on the Configuration page. In the Style name field (1) enter the name you want to assign to the template and then click Save as copy (2). In this way, the changes you make to that layout will be saved as a stand-alone template that you can reuse whenever you need it.