Did you know that Smart Slider offers a library of presets for buttons, titles and texts to use in your sliders?
Smart Slider
Insert a web page in a Slider using the iframe feature
Access the Smart Slider panel from Dashboard. Go inside the Slider where… Read more »
Create a Touch Experience with Smart Slider
Do you want to create a simple touch experience using Visionbox and Smart Slider? Find out how to do in our guide.
Using Static Overlay in Slider
Discover how to insert some fixed elements in your Slider using the Static Overlay. Read the guide.
Embed a live streaming in a Slider
Do you want to show a YouTube livestreaming and embed it in a Slider? Read this guide.
Particles Animation
Have you ever seen snowing in a monitor? Fin out how to do it in our guide!
Randomize video-only Slides
Read this guide to find out how to randomize video-only Slides.
Randomize image-only Slides
Read this guide to find out how to randomize images-only Slides.
Create a mixed content Slider with images and videos
Find out how to combine image and video Slides to create a mixed content Slider!
Schedule a single Slide release inside a broadcast
Schedule a single Slide release. Try it now!
Embed a YouTube video
Find out how to embed a YouTube video inside your broadcast.
Embed a YouTube playlist
Find out how to embed your custom YouTube playlist inside your broadcast!
Create a Slider
Find out how to create your first schedule!
Create an only-images Slider
Find out how to create your first pictures-only schedule!
Create a videos-only Slider
Find out how to create your first videos-only programming!
Compose an empty Slide with the elements
Unleash your imagination by creating the entire graphic composition of your Slides! Read the
guide to learn more.
Dynamic Slider: all images from a folder!
Create your first dynamic Slider: all the images in just a few clicks!