Access the Modules panel from Dashboard.

From toolbar, click on New.

Select the Google Spreadsheet Module clicking on Add module +

Clicking inside the Module, first you have to set the Title (1): make sure you use a title that lets you quickly understand what are you viewing (e.g. Annual Report | Reception).
Then, you need to choose the Position (2). Let’s see how to do it.
Clicking on Position a drop-down menu appears. Here you will find all the Templates and the related positions. Templates are highlighted in bold. Choose the Slider position of the Template you used to show your Google Spreadsheet inside your broadcast.

At last, click on Save (3) to apply changes.
Tip: to make sure you assign the module to the right position in the template, open the Dashboard in a new tab of the browser and access the Devices panel. In this way, you can check the name of Template assign to each of them.

Let’s move on to the Module configuration.
Here you find the complete Google guide to embed a spreadsheet inside a web page.
Copy the URL that Google provides you and paste it in Share URL field (1).
Now, let’s go on with the Gid field (2). Here you have to paste the ID of your spreadsheet. It’s a numerical part and you can find it at the end of its URL. Every single sheet of the entire document has a different ID. The code you paste in the Gid field corresponds to the first sheets that will be shown when the module is published.

Lastly, set Width (3) and Height (4) of the module.
Remember: Height and Width have to be the same of the Template position in which you will insert it.
Once set also the dimensions, click on Save (5).

The parameters set so far are required for the module configuration but there are also some optional ones.
Let’s see how to set them. In this way, you can modify the appearance of Google Sheets document shown on your screens.
Single (1) allows you to decide how many sheets to show. If it’s set on Yes, only the first sheet of the entire document will be shown.
In the Range field (2) you can set the range of cells to show. Use the syntax CELL:CELL. For example A1:B12.
Headers (3) show or hide row numbers and column letters.
Widget (4) show or hide the sheet tab at the bottom.
Chrome (5) show or hide the title and footer of the document.
Once you set all the optional parameters, click on Save (6).

To complete the Google Spreadsheet Module configuration, you must assign the Module to the interested Device (Schedule and Assign the Module to the Device).
Once the Module has been assigned, wait for the automatic updates set in the early morning or perform a manual update (Manual refresh of Devices) if you want to update immediately your broadcast.